Erectile Dysfunction

فياجرا وسياليس

Rybelsus (Semaglutide)



Palace Avenue Theatre, Paignton, 2nd - 6th June 1992


The Lord Chancellor - John Richardson
Earl of MountaratJohn Gough
Earl TollollerSteve Salmon
Private WillisDon Woolley
StrephonPhilip Graves
Queen of the FairiesAnn Partridge
IolantheVictoria Norton
CellaAnne Adams
Leila Gill Copping
FletaStephanie Brown
PhyllisKay Irvine

Chorus of Peers

Alan Cox, Andrew Partridge, Andrew Prowse, Andrew Whitby., Anthony Tippett, Bob Harrison, Carl Lorraine, Chris Harvey, Cyril Tanner, Eric Silley, Geoffrey Rowland, Jim Branson, John Pappin, John Rice, Ken Strong, Mark Huxham, Martyn Hughes, Michael Grieveson, Neil Price, Norman Elliott, Robert Penman, Ron Finch, Sim Simpson, Theo Pole.

Chorus of Fairies

Alison Cope, Angela Hulme, Ann Hatcher, Ann Partridge, Anna Crocker, Anne Dayment, Brenda Smith, Catherine Plumridge, Ena Bewley, Heather Kee, Hilda Beeeston, Jane Lang, Jean Beach, Jean Harvey, Jean Strong, Judith Whitby, Lynda Grieveson, Margaret Gulley, Margaret Hicks, Michaela Bennett, Nicola Whitby, Pam Gould, Pauline Ayling, Phyllis Elliott, Rachel Woods, Rhoda Rogers, Rita Butler, Samantha Little, Sarah Merrick, Sarah Welsh, Saraj Dolding, Sue Wiscombe, Susan Wills-Pope, Suzanne Rees, Sylvia Morden, Val Arnold, Vera Nuttall, Wenona Pappin, Rae Wragg.

Director - John Richardson
Musical Director - Sydney Nuttall