Erectile Dysfunction

فياجرا وسياليس

Rybelsus (Semaglutide)


The Pirates of Penzance

Palace Avenue Theatre, Paignton, 4th - 8th July 2000


Major General StanleyChris Robson
The Pirate KingDon Woolley
SamualGareth Poore
FredericSteve Salmon
Sergeant of PoliceAlan Bairstow
Mabel Anne George
EdithAnne Cutler
KateGill Poore
IsabelAdele Hall
Ruth Rae Gilderthorp

Pirates and Police

Andrew Bell, Dick Cogdell, Colin Gilderthorp, John Godwin, Bob Harrison, Geoff Jordan, Peter Mackay, Tom Millman, Mike Mingo, Clive Peirce, Paul Rousell, Robert Skinner, Cyril Tanner.

Daughters, Servants and Female Pirates

Olwen Hough, Francine Knott, Jane Mackay, Heather Maynard, Jean Miller, Ann Partridge, Sue Rees, Helen Smith, Shona Treharne, Hazel Wood.

Director: John Miles
Musical Director: Carl Smith
Choreographer: Olwen Hough