Erectile Dysfunction

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Rybelsus (Semaglutide)


The Pirates of Penzance

The Bijou Theatre, Paignton, Sunday December 30th 1979

In 1979 the Society were privileged to be able to stage a centenary version of The Pirates of Penzance in the Bijou Theatre Paignton, exactly one hundred years after the first performance there.

Major General Stanley - Sydney Nuttall
The Pirate King - Frank Telford
Samual - Michael Welsh
Frederic - Andrew Kenyon
Sergeant of Police - Don Woolley
Mabel - Annette Osborne
Edith - Susan Wills-Pope
Kate - Carol Pryce
Isabel - Jacqueline Prowse
Ruth - Ann Partridge

Chorus of Pirates, Police and Major General Stanley's Daughters
Pauline Ayling, Hilda Beeeston, Eugenie Bewley, Doreen Brodie, Rita Butler, Anna Crocker, Phyllis Elliott, Ann Hatcher, Heather Kee, Francine Knott, Jane Lang, Vera Nuttall, Suzanne Rees, Brenda Smith, Judith Whitby, Sue Wiscombe, Sarah Welsh, Val Arnold, Tony Blackler, Reg Brodie, Jim Branson, Alkan Cox, Cliff Devenish, Norman Elliott, Andre Pryce, Bill Roper, Stan Rivers, John Stroud, Cyril Tanner, Anthony Tippett, Joe Finch.

Musical Director: Anthony Constantine
Director: John Richardson